We have come to the end of a very enjoyable day experiencing Jamestown, the first stop on our tour of the historic triangle. We began our morning at the Colonial National Historical Park, Jamestown with our friend Mr. Kerber. What a priviledge to stand on the same ground where the founding of our great nation began 405 years ago this May.
The students were given an impromptu Q&A session at the Jamestown Glassblowers and gained an appreciation for the art. They also left a wonderful impression, upholding the long-standing reputation of Geneva students.
Then the fun of hands-on learning filled the afternoon as we experienced day to day life in the growing settlement of Jamestown.
We ended the day back at the hotel getting ready for our Colonial Williamsburg adventure tomorrow and spending some time playing games with our friends.
It was a glorious day for settling the new world and we are excited to begin laying the foundation for this awesome country of ours! Sweet Dreams, zzzzzzz
Meet Garmann, our Colonial Connections Tour Guide. Garmann has been with our group on many occassions in the past and as you can see was quickly and warming received by our students again this year.
I definitely know you all had fun this day! Your weather looked beautiful!